[Karate API Automation Framework] How to setup project from scratch in Intelij?
- Java 1.8
- Maven
- IntelliJ or Eclipse
Steps to follow:
- Open your IDE. Create a new Maven Project by following the below path->
File- > New-> Project or New Project from launch page
Archetype Details: https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.intuit.karate/karate-archetype/0.9.6
3. Fill in below details and click on Ok.
GroupId: com.intuit.karate
ArtifactID: karate-archetype
Version: 0.9.6
4. You will see karate-archetype added to the list. Select it and click on Next.
5. Give Your project a Name and Location (Or keep it default) and click on Next.
Reference Links:
1. https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.intuit.karate/karate-archetype : Karate archetype/ maven repo link
2. https://github.com/intuit/karate : Documentation Link
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-af7Cd8cMc -> How to configure Karate
Common Issues:
1. If first time creating any BDD project (feature file), then need to install “cucumber for java” and “Gherkin” plugin. (By default, Gherkin installs with cucumber for java)
How to Install Plugin explicitly:
2. While installing gherkin, cucumber for java, installed substep definition plugin also. Because of this, feature files are not running.
Expected: We don’t need to install the substep definition plugin at all.